Jul 27, 2011 | Bankruptcy, Family Law |
Bankruptcy and Divorce Lets take the following hypothetical situation: Ryan and Lauren are married but soon to be divorced. Ryan is planning on moving from the marital residence in Miamisburg, Ohio, to Tennessee with his new girlfriend Jennifer. Lauren has already...Mar 28, 2011 | Family Law |
RESTRICTIONS ON THE PARTIES WHILE THE CASE IS PENDING: By Ohio Revised Code, neither party is permitted to cancel or change beneficiaries of any life or health insurance policies while the case is pending. Do not change or cancel insurance policies while the action...Mar 27, 2011 | Family Law |
THE TIMING OF THE CASE WLL VARY DEPENDING ON SERVICE OF PROCESS AND THE COURT’S DOCKET: If you are the Plaintiff (filing for divorce first), you must first “perfect service” of process and the court summons on the other party (Defendant) before the court (Greene,...Mar 24, 2011 | Family Law |
YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE CERTAIN PERSONAL INFORMATION: Some Courts have mandatory discovery procedures where each party must voluntarily turnover financial information to the other side (Montgomery County requires mandatory disclosure of financial information). This...Mar 23, 2011 | Family Law |
WHEN MINOR CHILDREN ARE INVOLVED YOU WILL NEED TO ATTEND A SEMINAR: If the case involves children, Ohio law mandates that both parties attend a parenting seminar prior to the final hearing. The purpose of the seminar is to educate both parents as to how children are...Mar 21, 2011 | Family Law |
YOU WILL NEED A WITNESS IF YOU ARE THE PLAINTIFF IN AN OHIO DIVORCE ACTION: If you are the Plaintiff in Montgomery, Greene, Clark, or Warren County Ohio (filing for divorce first), you will need to have at least one Witness with you at the final divorce hearing that...
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