How much will your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) checks pay each month? Well, it varies as some states award additional income to the base amounts listed below. That being said, here are the amounts for 2012. Keep in mind that these amounts change each year in conjunction with the cost of living adjustment (COLA).
Social Security Administration SSI payout amounts for 2012:
Recipient | Unrounded annual amounts for— | Monthly amounts for 2012 | |
2011 | 2012 a | ||
Eligible individual | $8,095.32 | $8,386.75 | $698 |
Eligible couple | 12,141.61 | 12,578.71 | 1,048 |
Essential person | 4,056.93 | 4,202.98 | 350 |
a The unrounded amounts for 2012 equal the unrounded amounts for 2011 increased by 3.6 percent. |
Payment reduction
Remember, these payouts are lowered depending on your countable income each year. If you are thinking of applying for disability benefits click for a free consultation or call 1-800-596-1533.
I am moving from nevada to california and right now I recieve a check for ssdi for 614.00 and ssi 101.00 and they say i only will recieve 854.00 total in california basically getting rid of my ssdi payment except for 100.00. Is this true?
Im living in CA and we get 854.00 Which is more than the total you get now..Sometimes they go from how much time youve worked to determine your actual amt depending on your circumstances.
My son gets 698. Ssi in Ky and he’s 20 and is moving to california, will his pmt increase due to higher cost of living? He’s never worked
Im moving from Florida to new Jersey i would like to find out how much is the income for social Security benefits in New Jersey .
Yes I live in caliright now in california city,cali,and my sons get 854.00 a peace.
My question is: What is the difference between the states? I live in California and wanted to know if I moved to Illinois, Arizona or Florida what would it change to or would it stay the same?
Thank you.
I live in calif. and I curantley recive $854 a month I want to move to new mexco and would loike to now how much they pay you there, and do they have dental coverage or do they just cover exstractions.
Is there an online site somewhere that list all of the states and what amounts they pay out in suplemental security income?
Hi, I am blind and looking to move to Colorado, and have a disabled child we currently Recieve $674.00 a peice will our income go up any due to living costs?
thank you for you time
i collect ssi payments, thinking of moving to az next year, how much would i get in my ssi amount.
I am moving from CA to OKLA. Will my SSD and SSI change? How can I find out how much?
I want to let the tammy know. YES it will decrease to 698=700$ per month. The reason y is because the cost of living. I’am in oklahoma going to florida and getting an increase. If u move to a unfamiliar state to a popularized state your benefits will go up, and vice-versa
Get a JOB. That’s what those of us do that pay for you to stay home. I’ll bet more than half of all SSD dependents are improperly receiving benefits. Unless you are DISABLED you shouldn’t be collecting. Disabled meaning you are not capable of working period. This whole thing will be out of money thanks to the leaches in the system and then what will you do???? Better start looking for ways to make money instead of taking money.
Queen is Right. Places like California and Florida give a larger disbursement (around $890 in Cali) but California does NOT allow you to collect FOOD STAMPS.
Texas, on the other hand gives a disbursement of $685 , because of “lower cost of living”, BUT…. You CAN collect up to $300 in FOODSTAMPS.
Over-all, it is actually Better.
If u hav questions, just ask the SSI office at the state U have questions about. They will give U any information u need.
hav a nice day.
I feel sorry for you! It is really sad that you feel as though everyone that cannot work due to medical condition is a so called leech. I suggest that you move your family to North Korea, as they have a 0% individual tax rate in addition to NO disability programs.
I live in Waynesville Ohio and receive $698 per month. The state did give me care source before I received my award.
I live in Hollywood now& I get $854- got the same in San Diego, when I was in Youngstown & warren Ohio, we get $697… I’m moving to Alabama though so I want to find out how much u can get there. By the way- $850 a month is not enough to find a place to rent in Cali- unless u want to live w roommates, & no food stamps- so… The cheapest apartment is studio/ an there all @ least $840 a month- or $700- $630, I have no $$$ left!
In Ca I get more around 854. I live in Lompoc with rent of $615 but had to get roommates to pay the $300 in utilties.Ca does not give me any foodstamps so I have to rely on the foodbanks. In Oregon, Utah and NM I got less money but received $200 in foodstamps.
Goodluck finding any good primary psychicians that will take Medicare or medicaid. I wanted to relocate to Alaska and wondered what amount I would get up there since I would get foodstamps which food is very expensive there.
How much can a child in tn receive from Ssdi?… New to this disability process please help…
TO NICOLE. I live in Alabama now. The SSDI payment just went up from 698 to 712 now. And you’re able to get foodstamps as well.
Anyone know how much disability pays in Indianapolis IN or Charleson WV?
Joetaxpayer…I have worked sinece I was 13 years old and have been on disablity due to a congenital brain malformation since 27, I am now 35. I would LOVE absolutely LOVE to trade you places. Maybe, you should think before you speak. When you have never had a real problem in your life…it’s easy to judge. Karma sucks!
I wonder if there are any rooms in california for rent
how long did yalls ssi process take and how does back pay work
I have had back surgery, cancer, carpel tunnel surgery, I have arthritis, my legs and feet swell terribly, and yet i still go to work everyday. I dont have a cushy job either. I work at a meat proccesing plant in Va. it is cold and wet all the time, so I dont have too much sympathy for people who make up excuses, like i have panic attacks around people, or i have a very low IQ. People are always looking for a hand out, they dont want to work, they just want the money. I dont care who doesnt like my oppions
I started working at age 6 in a saw mill. I grew up working on farms for less then minimum wage. At 17 I joined the Army and served Honorably for 7 years. One year out of the service. A drunk driver hit my car and I was severely injured. I did not walk for 6 months. I have tried for 20 years now to work many jobs. Each time I degrade my condition a little more. Now at age 47 I an unable to walk very much, sit for more then 20 minutes or sleep more then a couple hours a night due to pain. My legs are in pain my spasms would kill most men and on top of all of this the economy is so bad here there are zero jobs anyway. So to the Idiots that say HALF of the folks on SSI are slackers I tell you this….I have had a fed men tell me to my face I am lazy or pathetic for seeking SSI…..none walked away with out help…..I am not owed any more then I paid in and in 2006 I paid over 10,000 in taxes above what they with held……that is the last year I was able to work with out pissing myself when I lifted anything over 10 lbs…..all you morons posting hate can go pound sand.
Well I worked up until I had back surgery and cannot work or stand at all now. Which means SSI here I come. What people need to realize is that everyone is different. Some people need this. I for one need it till I get my next procedure and hopefully I can return to work. And I am sure I will. FINGERS CROSSED. I know some people take advantage of this and shame on you for doing that. But some are honest here so lay off the hate mails. Some of us already feel low we even have to go to this level, but I know this is what I need for the time being!!
At age 10 I was working with WILD mustangs, did babysitting, ran a tractor-2 bottom plow, triangle disc, turned hay/oats over by hand and forked onto the wagon, shucked corn by hand, basic trained ponies/small horses, guidance counselor secretary, legal secretary, camp secretary, general cook, pizza shop, trained dogs, milked cows, CSR for a newspaper, dispatcher, bookkeeper, down router, billing clerk, STNA, MRDD Caregiver, HHA. Even did 2 yrs of college before my body started giving out on me. I paid into the system for over 30 yrs so I earned what I get from the govt. Don’t own a wrap around stereo system, a blackberry, I-pod, gaming system, or fancy clothes/jewelry either yet I see people on welfare who have these things and look down their noses at me when I use a EBT card. Now I just look at the person say “I worked to end up this way did you?”
Does Washington state have higher ssdi payments?
Just a warning to anyone considering a Ca move or lives here at this time, beware this state. My 36 year old son has a right arm and right leg that can not bear weight for hours at a time; during work, He has convulsive seizures regulated by inferior medication, deaf in my left ear, and partial facial paralysis(I.E. can not smile). All of these things Social Security knows as medical fact yet he is being pressured by California to “find a job”. California is broke. Moving here without external assistance is a bad move. we are leaving before next winter.
I moved from Michigan to Indianapolis Indiana and I get more in benefits when you take the state benefits in account.
For anyone that wants to look on the federal site,i found this. Its last years but pretty accurate.( I laugh at the mean people who try & hate on ssi recipients, some people just dont understand. If they were in the same situation they wouldnt be talking. Treat others how you would like to be treated!:)
Hell yes I need help now I worked my ass off and paid in to the government all these years I am disabled and now I want my money. I’ve never ever got a refund check. How do people don’t pay a penny in and get back 6000 in taxes and also these crooked ass politicians makin six figures and taking care of themselves and farmers gettin crp which is welfare. 25000 to lay out a piece of land for a bird f*** this country cause this country cares about a bird than its people
i moved from indiana to az, i made more in indy and got 200 in food stamps. az is not good i only get 153 in food stamps and 730 with sss and ssi.what was i thinking. i cant aford toilet paper or bathroom stuff,i eat one meal a day.
I am disabled with 2+ pounds of hardware in my spine and need Disabled access housing. I currently collect 855$ a month will my payments go up or down if i move to California from Nevada
Forgot I’m on social security at 50 never heard it called ssdi
SSI, helps people with disabilities. They do research, call doctors, request information prior to giving people the help they are asking for. If they see there is insufficient information they will not grant people those monies. My suggestion to those who feel the need to bring people down would be to say nothing at all. God sees and hears all, if you think for once that your going to get away with making your brothers and sisters bad think again!
My Uncle is on disability for bad knees and he paid in all of his life. There is no way he could work now, so I think the haterz are crazy.
I have a hearing set up and am hoping to get approved for my disability. I currently live in PA . I ‘m getting ready to move to FL. I want to know about how much I will receive in FL.
My bf and I live in Indiana and all we get is the standard amount.
To all the people receiving disability don’t pay no attention to the idiots leaving these comments about be lazy or pathetic, see jackasses always fly off at the mouth before they know what’s going on, easy for some people to blow their horn when their not in the other person’s shoes. So don’t pay them no mind if you need the help that’s what its there for when you can’t work. And to the butt holes that saying this trust and believe your not gonna get on disability unless you can truly prove your disabled, its not like you can ask and they just give it, so stop talking crap if you don’t know these people stories
For all those idiots who say that we on ssdi disability. It is a form of insurance. You pay into a fund while you work and if something happens to keep you from gainful employment then you collect the insurance. If it was an accident and you were covered by Allstate or State Farm Insurance you would not be complaining at all. If you don’t know your facts then just don’t say anything. Joetaxpayer I mean you! If not then come see me and I’ll get out of my wheelchair and teach you about keeping your big mouth shut when you are talking crap about good honest people who are only asking for what they paid into for so many years. May God forgive you for your petty minded thoughts.
I moved from fl back to Illinois, and I need to move to California new Mexico, az . do not pay u more. Just a reply. I say check for ur self .I am on ssi from a stroke..
You don’t owe any of these people who are so quick to judge anyy explanation of what you have been through and how much you have worked, paid in, and the daily pain you have to live with. Its NONE of their business!! I can’t believe how quick some people are to judge everyone or as most say “half” who are disabled. It makes me sick.
I have waited through 2 denials, and now a court judge. I was on ssi before fore 4 years. I went off due to over in money, I got an inhearitance, I told them about. I have waited 22+ months. just had administrative judge hearing. Pray for me please. I feel so depressed and cant show it to my son that suffers…………….with depression age 31. staying with me to take care of each other. I really thought our government was there for us. They dont like it that I am highly educated. Makes no matter if I cant show up to work or forget things. It took me 2 times longer to get my degree. but I am a fighter…… I got a masters degree in Human Resources, I think this company could use me to make this phone waiting more bearable…. LOL By from MN 53 melody
Every time I look up information on ssi I have over look some foolish person making remakes about taking money from the goverment. Ok let’s take the $$$$ off the equation….. say goverment runs out of money ‘ joke’ they would still have give out Housing. Food. I work as a torch cutter before I got sick. I was on fire one day no big deal for me I have no fear of death at times…. just to say I work all my life now i’m sick…joe ass player…. eat a d**
i live in Lancaster pa i am a single mother looking to relocated with my children to Youngstown Ohio but i do have a disable dauther who gets ssi here i get for her 740.00 does anybody know how much will i get in Youngstown ohio
Does anyone know what the payment in Alaska?
Everyone who is “thinking” of moving needs to contact SSI/SSA or whatever you are on .. they can calculate what the new monthly would be.. I know that AZ, does not offer the supplemental . since SSI is federal your monthly should not be affected and you can move cross the states, again check with you SSI office they are a phone call away.. 4 hip surgeries , lost my home and now pain all the time. but still happy.. :)
what is the monthly income for Alabama ?
SSI is NOT FEDERAL it will change from state, FEDERAL WILLS NOT for this is money earned by us working….
im currently living in ca but I would like to move to nd with my family how would that affect my disability income?
joetaxpayer can kiss my disabled A**! Us on SSD are not leeching A**Hole we paid our taxes and are merely collecting a early retirement due to a disability. You think the F***** government says oh he applied for disability he gets constant headaches give him SSD? Your a idiot I suffered 5 years fighting my case the y make sure you have a serious condition stopping you from working before they give it to you. I was turned down several times even though I have severe stage 4 congestive heart failure and had to hire a attorney to get my benefits. Its my money from what I paid into my retirement how the hell can you say I am leeching. I hope you never have to go through what I am going through at the age of 43 because to live a life of pain with severe limitations and rarely leaving the house cause I have no strength is so worth the money from SSD! What a idiot you are!! If this ever happens to you I hope you get denied several times and have to suffer and lose everything you worked so hard to acquire due to illness and then come back and leave us a comment ok pumpkin!
After being here, for over five years now
I might be moving to NM from Florida.
I’ve already stayed in PA, MA and CA since my disability began in San Francisco.
From what someone said on here it seems like I’m going to get less, but more in food stamps.
thank you all for the info. I need to move to another state. Wondering if I be able to afford the rent. Don’t need clothing or foods. Jus’ needed a place to live a home/a shack with a bthrm :)) thank you.xx
joetaxpayer go **** your self with your *******. i am 25 and have been fighting all my life i was barley able to get through school as a kid and i worked as much as i could but have 5 slipped discs in my lower back so i cant even get my self dressed some days all i am trying to do is be able to pay bills. i went to school for diesel mechanic and welding and fab. but am unable to work due to my back and also having touretts and trust me i would rather be working than setting at home with no money and waiting to go to court
I have been collecting SSI for 5 years, and my condition will NOT improve.
Do I have to take early retirement at 62?
I was told that SSA will flip me over to early
retirement benefits.
I live in Oregon and i get for ssi 733.00 & 548.00 a month in foodstamps my rent is 575 a month for a two bedroom
I live in az thinking about moving to denver colorado Do you no how much you get for ssi a month their
I was recently approved for disability giving the fact I’m,getting ready to be 20 and I’ve never worked due to mental issues I have a 6 month old child and I was wondering if anyone could give me a guess at to how much benefits I will receive a month I have back pay from march 1 2012 and I’m not sure how they do this and when would I receive my first payment? I’m in dier need to find these things out to get things in line like getting my family a place to live I’m in Virginia and they don’t do HUD if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
So basically my question was what is the payment in Virginia and how to they do they back pay. And I was approved last week so when is my first payment
I currently live in Illinois and want to move to New Mexico. I am disabled and get benefits here. I also live with my Caregiver. Can I get better services in New Mexico? Can my Caregiver stay working for me? Are the compinsated the same way? If I moved is there a delay in services? Can my Caregiver work for me from Day 1? Please help. I need to move as fast as possible.
Joe Taxpayer come here to Kalamazoo,Mi and I will personally make sure you dont leave the State of Michigan. You suck Big D**ks. You little faggot Republican. Your a little B**ch. If you want some? respond back to me and I will personally give you my contact information
I’m living in Arkansas and get 800 a mo. because of mental illness (ocd and anxiety) will it be higher with a higher cost of living when I move to California?
Not much higher and if u don’t have to move I wouldn’t I moved to NV fromcali becUde cost of living is entirely too high to afford to live there
Tax payer Joe? Wow. Good one. I worked my tail end off from 14 to 29. Disabled by the state of idaho in congestive heart failure in 2010 after 3 failed heart procedures and I collect $1405 monthly in ssdi benefits. I just turned 35. My children receive $350 monthly on my behalf. Please elaborate on how you support yourself?
ive been on ssi all my life screw joetaxpayer ive tried since i was 16 to get a job anywhere but my only option left is to try in alaska and hope no one minds me being deaf with a speech impeditment and cant sign due to short term memory loss try doing it with no help and two kids to feed on your own its not easy does anyone know what the benefits are in alaska i need to have a source of income in case i cant get a job
I get 1250. Per month. Plus pension.. No food stamps. I think SSDisability and SSI are 2 different things. SSI is a welfare program and cSSDis is based on the amount you’ve worked. So total for monthbisc%1800.00. Some states don’t have SSI. Tennessee, Mississippi etc…(“Southern states) so the just get the basic $733.00. Some states kick in like Wisconsin. Michigan has SSI at the state level but still has $733.00 like inbAlabama, Tenn, Mississippi and West Virginia. Bigger more progressive states will have more than the south and Michigan..
Hey my son gets ssi $604.00 in nj we just moved to pa how much will he get now???
what is the ssi monthly income for Bristol Virginia?
Everyone can handle pain and mental issues in a very different way apparently some of you have mental disabilities that you havent come to terms with go to the dr and do and in depth study of your issues. I can barely walk and I have been working since I was 14 I am 52 now and would love to work. I made 200,00$ a year and I am basically homeless and you people sit in judgement WOW
I live in Georgia and been on disability since 2010, I receive $713 on disability, thinking of moving to Las Vegas, NV; how much would my benefits increase per month once I move.
Yes. I have a question. I want to move to Alaska. But i need to know how much and how long it take to move. I only make $889. I have one year to 1.5 years. Someone please help me.
Washington is $733.00 & you can get food stamps medical dental & vision
The ammount of benefits is LESS IN FLORIDA than you realize, I recently moved from there to Maine the ammountstayed the same 672.00 per month total
I live in Alabama and I receive ssi disability of 431 a month how much would my check go up if I move to georgia
I get 662 a month for my daughter in Paterson new Jersey how much would I get for her if I moved to Walterboro South Carolina
My lump sum for SSI is $2400.00 and will get a payment of $1700.00 for every 6 months , I think I got screwed , yes I got very little work history that is because I was in prison an employers don’t want to
take a chance on ex-convicts. My rent is $550.00 a month plus I got other bills but
it seems like they don’t care.
Don’t pay those that are heartless and cruel any attention, thats what they want is a reaction for they have nothing better to do than just what there doing for apparently they don’t have a life, but to say hateful things to be miserable as they most definately must be. God is good all the time.
I have a child that is now 24 she lives with me. I just helped her apply for ssI, she is mentally challanged. when they added up all my bills they divided them by 3 because there are 3 adults in the house. then they said because her third would be higher then what she willl get the 733.00 they consider me taking care of her and lowered it to 488.00 how crazy is this. does any one know how close do I need to be to this 733.00 without going over that they will give her the whole thing. Like will 655.00 be good as a third of the bills
Im moving back to my home state California and Im in Oklahoma. How much increase or decrease would I get? I want to go home.
My mom is in a wheelchair from her having polio since age 1. She worked many, many years until she couldn’t anymore. Filed for SSI and was denied her first time. Got a lawyer and was accepted her second time. My husband has Crohn’s disease, neurological problems, and has had back and neck surgery and works 40+ hours a week; yet, I know people that CAN work and get everything (SSI, free healthcare, food stamps) without any problems. I don’t understand how that is.
I leave in New York I get 820.00 a month on Ssi and I’m thinking of moving to Florida will my Ssi change or stay the same
Some are real disable people while others just don’t want to work.
wut state payse the most cash on ssdi im in tx now
in tx i onley git 711 on ssdi and 194 in food stamps every month
is ther somthing i can do to git more
Hi I am moving from Cali to Vegas. Mom now receive almost 900 maybe 854. If we move to Nevada how much will it decrease if at all?
It definitely decreases because the cost of living is not as much in NV as Cali I get $750 a month this year n I used to get close to eat u do back wen I lived in Cali still
im a single person getting ssi from california and plan to move to indiana but i would like to know its more or less for ssi benefit?
I live in Ca, want to move to KY. Will my supplemental security change
I am in Arizona and i get 713 dollars per month and i get 98 food stamps, how much will i get in Las Vegas
I was living in Az. and I was getting my full check I think it was$ 7,20 at the time. Well I moved to Ct. and it dropped to $ 4 ?? Something so I called and they said I had to show receipts for all my bills. So I did that and it came up to $63o.oo now.I just don’t understand why people who live on the street get there whole check. Other people I’ve talked to doesn’t have to explain what there check goes to and they get their whole check. I was just wondering why everyone I talk to gets the whole benefit and I don’t. Thanks so much.
Hi I am moving from Cali to Vegas ,I had receive $892.00 .If I move to Las vagas how much will I get from SSI
Want to move to San Diego from Virginia on as as I would my income decrease? And to Joe tax payer I worked for 13 years been on dialysis since 1997 for kidney failure and other illnesses. God forbid he gets sick karma do exist. May you have a hard time in life just like us sick people you moron
How much will i make if i move to oregon from ca i now make 1300.00 a month ? Will i have to take a cut?.
would like to move from NYC to NJ, how much will my SSI be?
My daughter lives in California she has bad arthritis and auto immune disease back problems has worked all her life never depended on .welfare been trying for 4 and half yrs now. They want to give her ssi she is not able to work now I truly know this they say she can do some light work. I wish some of these Dr,lawyers or judges could have a little sympathy for people who are disabled
I don’t thing Trump will let these people that got disability for nothing keep getting away with it. Now, I recognize that some people need it and that is good! But to the bums out there getting it for nothing, Trump is coming for your money!