Dec 13, 2008 | Small Business |
Ok, so you are thinking of creating a business entity in Ohio and you are thinking to yourself, why in the world would anyone choose an LLC over an S Corp. Well, the short version is that generally one would not, however, there can be advantages to having an S-Corp as opposed to an LLC in certain circumstances, one such being advantages with respect to social security taxes.
Dec 4, 2008 | Small Business |
A common question that many aspiring small business owners have is whether they actually need to hire an attorney to form the business entity they desire, more commonly these days, the LLC. Well, the short answer is no. This may surprise you coming from an attorney...Nov 26, 2007 | Small Business |
In a previous post, we discussed the personal liability of business owners for the torts and business debts of the business. As was addressed in that post, the general rule is that owners of an LLC are not personally on the hook for these obligations. That is, afterall, the point of forming such an entity. However, this general rule (like most rules of law is far from absolute)……
Mar 24, 2007 | Small Business |
In this installment of Ohio Law Blog, I will briefly address the primary reason business owners choose to form an LLC (or any business entity, really). The answer is rather simple. It all boils down to the owners’ ability to protect their house and other...
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