Jan 4, 2009 | Estate Planning |
So you are sitting around writing down your new year resolutions: quit smoking, lose ten pounds, start jogging, and most importantly hire an attorney to draft that will you have been putting off for years. Alright, so no one made it there resolution to have a will drafted, but it still makes for a nice segue into my first blog entry of the year:
Dec 28, 2007 | Estate Planning |
Estate planning is a process. It involves people—your family, other individuals and, in many cases, charitable organizations of your choice. It also involves your assets (your property) and the various forms of ownership and title that those assets may take. And it...Jun 10, 2007 | Estate Planning |
Here’s how it goes down; Client walks into a big real property law firm and says, “I need a will”
Mar 23, 2007 | Estate Planning |
Alright, your attorney has just written you an A B trust and now you are set, right?
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